Meet Bob

Amy and Travis Quella and their daughter, Ellie, built Bob’s House in honor of a beloved pet.
The family adopted two rescue dogs — brothers Blizzard and Flurry — in 2004. The American Eskimo-Samoyed mixes, renamed Bob and Tom, were found in a culvert during a bad snowstorm in Washburn County.

While the Quellas love all their dogs, “Bob was extra special,” Travis said.

In 2005, five of the family’s dogs escaped after a door to their house didn’t latch. Four returned home, but Bob was hit by a car and killed on Highway 93. Devastated by Bob’s death, the family decided to fast-forward plans to open the canine foster care and adoption facility. Travis said he and Amy had talked about helping dogs some day.

When they lost Bob, they wanted to “make something positive” out of his death, Travis said.

By September 2008, the couple had erected a 1'400-square-foot steel building with roughed-in heating and plumbing, and a septic system, which they funded personally. Loans and community support allowed the Quellas to finish the center.

Meet the Quellas 

The Quellas (from Left to Right): Travis, Amy and Ellie

The Quellas (from Left to Right): Travis, Amy and Ellie

Travis and Amy Quella live in rural Eau Claire County (one mile from Cleghorn) with their daughter, Ellie, their eight dogs and one cat. Bob's House is located in a wooded area behind their house. In the Fall of 2009, after a planning and building project that spanned more than three years, they fulfilled their dream by opening Bob's House for Dog's.

Travis is an Eau Claire native who works as a Sergeant for the Eau Claire Police Department. Growing up, Travis' family always had several dogs, most of them rescues of some sort. Travis credits his mother, Caryn, for his love and compassion for dogs.
Amy was born and raised in Wisconsin Rapids. She used to work as a treatment coordinator at All Family Dental in Eau Claire but now works full time as the executive director of Bob's House for Dogs. Dogs have been a passion of hers for decades. Having eight is a daily challenge - especially when they steal her pillow and covers!!! Ellie has obviously grown up around dogs. She has a real soft spot in her heart for the one's who have been given a second chance. Ellie's hobbies include: running, basketball, fishing, outdoor activities, and, of course, DOGS!